Creare una scatola da rovistare

Rovistare può essere fonte di distrazione e difficile da gestire per te che sei un caregiver. Il tentativo di fermare il rovistare può causare agitazione, paranoia e può rendere la persona ancora più propensa a nel farlo. Prova a trasformarlo in un'attività! Riempire scatole o cassetti con cose

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For someone with dementia, a conversation about who they are and were, rather than about their illness can be a positive activity. You can do reminiscence work by using photos, music, objects, or other stimuli to create a conversation of remembering details of a life. Make a memory or rummage

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Activități intelectuale și creative

Câteodată, o persoană cu demență își pierde interesul pentru anumite activități care în trecut îi făceau plăcere. El/ea ar putea găsi acum că activitatea respectivă este dificilă și îl/o obosește, ceea ce poate genera frustrare sau furie. Problemele de memorie ar putea de asemenea să îi limiteze abilitaea

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Mental and creative activities

Sometimes, a person with dementia can lose their interest in recreational and leisure activities they used to enjoy doing. The person might find the activity difficult and tiring, which can cause feelings of frustration or anger. Memory impairments can reduce the person’s ability to start or complete the activity.

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Bake something or cook a meal

Baking or cooking can be a good way to maintain mental and physical function. Following a recipe from finish to end might be too challenging. However, by splitting up the recipe to smaller tasks, the person with dementia might be better equipped to participate. Baking a bread can be broken

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Fold clothes

Older adults, especially those with dementia, might have difficulties with everyday activities, but they still need to feel successful at something. By engaging in failure-free activities, they always come out “right”. Try to ask the person to fold towels, clothes or other fabric. The result of the folding is beside

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