Suspicion and delusions

Suspicion and/or delusion can occur at any stage, but often occurs towards middle or late stage of dementia. Delusions are firmly held beliefs in things that are not real. This may result in the person becoming suspicious of those around them or even accusing others of stealing and other

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A hallucination can include something you hear, smell or feel that does not actually exist. Hallucinations are usually perceived as unpleasant and can lead to fear and even to aggressive behaviour. It’s not easy to know how you should respond to hallucinations. Try to determine if the hallucination is

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False accusations

It’s not unusual that a person with dementia makes accusations against people around them at some point. Common accusations are stealing or that someone is trying to harm the person. It can be hurtful and distressing to be charged with false accusations from the person with dementia. The accusations

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